Chris Andrews and Mark Hiscock – Newfoundland


1. Newfoundland
2. A Feed of Duff
3. The Diamond
4. Shores of America
5. The Old Polina
6. After Hours at Erin’s
7. Mikey’s Song
8. Looking Back
9. I’se da Bye
10. Seven Deadly Sins
11. The Irish Miner
12. Beid Ril Againn

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Chris Andrews and Mark Hiscock began as a duo performing to the accolades of many on board the tour schooner the Scademia. Their popularity as entertainers prompted them to record an album to sell to the many tourists who asked for a recording by them. This gig moved from the boat to the clubs as they became favorites amongst the downtown goers. Andrews and Hiscock have recently added bass and drums and have formed the group Shanneyganock.